Folk memory – an installation by Anna Szymaniak
Inspired by folk traditions, this art installation features traditionals pająki (spider-like mobiles /ornaments) crafted from modern materials. These pająki mobiles will be suspended from a tree, echoing a custom practised in bygone days within the wooden walls of cottages.
Beneath the surface of this visual narrative lies a deeper meaning – the power of memory. It’s a vast tapestry, woven from the threads of countless experiences. These experiences are as unique as the individuals who hold them, yet they interlace in a beautiful symphony, just like threads woven into straw. They encompass moments of joy, unbridled happiness, unexpected surprises, sorrow, and profound emotions.
Collectively, they embody “Folk Memory.”
When: 1/2 June 2024, 19.00-2.00
Where: tree by the bridge, Podwale street
Admission free