Logo Noc Kultury

7/8.06 2025| Lublin, Old Town | free

Logo Noc Kultury

7/8.06 2025| Lublin, Old Town | free

Her Lublin: A women’s history walk with M. Łuczyn | REGISTRATION REQUIRED


You might be surprised by the number of distinguished women associated with Lublin. Join us for a walk to discover the incredible women shaping our city today.

Night of Culture is an event designed for Lublin residents, making it the perfect opportunity to uncover the outstanding contributions of contemporary women shaping our community.

As you wander through the city, you’ll witness the indelible marks they leave on our artistic and cultural landscape. From the compelling works of artists and curators to the motivational efforts of social activists, their impact is visible throughout.

But how familiar are we with their names and contributions? This guided tour will introduce us to the lives and accomplishments of several remarkable women. Their activities are often reflected in artistic installations, squares, or sculptures. At other times, their influence is experienced through cultural and educational events.

How well do we know these women and their achievements? This is a question our guide, Magdalena Łuczyn, will delve into.

Organised by: Magdalena Łuczyn


When: 1 June 2024, 19.00-20.30
Where:  start in front of the Centre for Culture, Peowiaków 12
Admission: Registration required. 50 spots.  

The event is finished.


Saturday, 01 June 2024


19:00 - 20:30


plac przed Centrum Kultury
Peowiaków 12


Magdalena Łuczyn