Revived Chic: Transformation Show – a fashion show | Yahor Kazlou, Viktoria Fil | REGISTRATION required
Don’t miss out on this exclusive chance to witness a remarkable transformation!
Tonight, you’ll be treated to a unique show where recycled clothing takes centre stage. This won’t be your typical fashion show; it’s a full-blown performance. Our goal is to spotlight the modern individual who prioritises environmental consciousness and embraces eco-friendly practices.
Organised by:
Yahor Kazlou, Viktoria Fil
Tailors: Karyna Konishchuk, Tamara Komarova
Video: Anton Zubach
Photography: Anhelina Tehlivets
Choreography: Emilia Osińska
Music: Eldar Skorokhoda
When: 1 June 2024, 20.00-20.40 and 22.00-222.40
Where: The Old Theatre, Jezuicka 18
Admission: REGISTRATION REQUIRED. 120 spots.